client: Francesca Ferronato []

Brand Identity Design
Web Design (UI/UX)

Francesca Ferronato is a psychologist and psychotherapist who has chosen to embrace technology in the digital era. She approached us to customise an effective digital presence which has started by designing a tailored Brand Identity to use across the internet and on social media. It extended to styling and developing a full CMS website according to Brand guidelines which showcases a set of bespoke illustrations throughout.
The real challenge in this project has been to keep the authenticity typical of such profession. We did that by exploring the world of positive emotions and translated them into visuals. The result of that process took shape in an origami styled set of illustrations.
This work is pretty singular in its kind. Although it uses a contemporary technique of mixing real life objects with illustrations, the work shows an original and clever approach. The use of origami shaped objects in pastel colors succeeds in delivering values of authenticity and better embodies the immaterial nature of emotions. The ultimate goal was to create uplifting images with a soft coloured tone as to appear welcoming and inspire a safe environment. I am really proud of this project as it challenged us in a way to redefine how to communicate emotions visually within the boundaries of a Brand/Visual Identity. The production of simple but effective imagery were much liked by the client which approved the idea straight away and her own clients and audience stated to feel good about it too.

[This work was made in collaboration with Web Heroes]
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